Photos from student work shown below (MCC Maple Woods College)
Student Work – charcoal erased highlight portrait
Student work – airbrush w/acrylic
Photos below from Alphapointe Association of the Blind Creative Arts Class
Artist Brandie Young (above) with her coiled pot and hand sculpture. Brandie is deaf and blind and an amazing artist!!
Artist Mary Crawford, above, with her handmade ceramic rose clock and pegasus ceramic piece. Mary specializes in ceramics and fires all of her own work and all of the class clay work in her kiln.
Andrea Brier (above left) with her textured fiber collage, and Tina Blatter (right) making paper.
Examples of student handmade paper (above)
Students making fleece blankets
Printmaking with carved blocks (left) and string (right)
Textured collage by artist Barbara Dewberry